In English below.
Jyväskylä Jaguars järjestää tytöille ja naisille jenkkifutiksen alkeiskurssin Jyväskylässä 3.2.-8.2.
Kurssi on täysin ilmainen.
Kurssiin kuuluu kolme harjoituskertaa. Voit osallistua kaikkiin tai vain osaan treenikerroista:
Ti 3.2. laji-info(lisäinfoa ajasta ja paikasta tulossa pikimmiten) sekä treenit Kuokkalan Graniitilla klo 20.00-22.00. Tarvitset mukaan sisäpelivarustuksen.
To 5.2. varustetreenit Hippoksen alakerran tekonurmella klo 20.00-21.45. Ota mukaan nappikset/lenkkarit sekä pidempää housua ja paitaa (ihon suojaksi). Kypärän alle kannattaa olla myös huivi tai ohut pipo ja plussaa on jos sinulta löytyy hammassuojat.
Su 8.2. varustetreenit JP Action Training Center klo 16.00-17.30. Ota mukaan nappikset/lenkkarit sekä pidempää housua ja paitaa. Kypärän alle kannattaa olla myös huivi tai ohut pipo ja plussaa on jos sinulta löytyy hammassuojat.
Juomapullo kannattaa myös ottaa mukaan kaikkiin treeneihin. Lisäksi tarvitset vain rohkeutta ja intoa päästä oppimaan uutta! 🙂
Ilmoittautumiset osoitteeseen:
Jyväskylä Jaguars organizes a beginner’s course in american football for women in Jyväskylä 3.2-8.2. The course is free of charge and everybody can join!
The course consists of three practices and you can either attend all of them or choose the best days for your own schedule:
The first practice is on Tuesday 3rd of February (more info about the exact time and place will follow shortly). We will start with a general info about the sport, followed by practice in Graniitti (located in Kuokkala) at 8-10pm. Indoor sports equipment needed.
On Thursday ,5th of Feb, we shall train on the artificial turf in Hipposhalli (go in from the door with a sign on top of it saying “ Harjoitusjäähalli” and down the stairs) with our American football gear on. The training starts at 8pm and ends roughly at 9:45pm. Take with you a proper pair of shoes suited to the artificial turf (for example jogging shoes or soccer shoes), longer pants and a long-sleeved shirt (to protect your skin). We shall give you the gear to borrow, but you might want to take your own, thin headscarf to wear underneath the helmet. If you happen to have a mouth guard of your own, take that with you as well!
And finally on Sunday, 8th of Feb, we shall again train with our gear on, in JP Action Training Center at 4-5.30pm. Again we recommend that you take with you shoes suited for the artificial turf (even though normal indoor shoes will do here just fine), longer pants and long-sleeved shirt, headscarf and mouth guard (if you already have it).
In addition you might want to have a water bottle with you every time you come to training. Then you only need courage and enthusiasm to learn something new and you can get your head in the game!
To join the beginner’s course, sing in here:
(To fill: first name + surname, e-mail-address, size of your shirt (to wear on top of the gear), how did you find out about the course, select the dates you will participate)
For more information, contact Päivi Rintala:
We are looking forward to seeing you in training!